-381 million tons of plastic produced 2017.
(thats 837,756,596,303 pounds of plastic
-Only 9% all plastic been recycled.
-1 million marine animals killed annually by
381 million tons of plastic was
produced in 2017. and yet only 9% Of all the
worlds plastic has ever been recycled. 1
million marine animals are killed annually
due to entanglement and ingestion and now
reports are saying that 70% of all fish have
ingested plastic...and we ingest fish... we’re
slowly poisoning ourselves and our future.
The good news is you and I can
be part of the solution! Challenge yourself
and others to minimize plastic use and you
might be surprised how many alternatives
already exist. For example, when shopping,
bring your own reusable bags, don’t use
plastic bags for fruits and vegetables, or
plastic bottles for drinking, drink from
reusable canisters...encourage your local
stores to stop using so much plastic and
tell your local restaurants to switch to
biodegradable material.